Monday, February 1, 2016

5 months

Dear Mom, 
5 months down 19 to go! I'm not gonna say it flew by, but it went much faster than expected. This week was very nice. We taught 8 lessons and got a new baptismal commitment. Over all, a pretty sweet week.

Ghana is really starting to feel normal to me and I'm getting used to it more and more each day. They say once you hit 8 months then Ghana has hit you with everything it has.

Health wise, I'm doing great! I've reached the 40lb mark on lost weight and I've completely cut soda out of my diet. I am eating mostly fruit and bread and drinking plenty of water. I am back to 260lbs.
Teaching wise, I have baptized 2 people into the church and have contacted a little over 200 people, so the work goes on.  
Next Monday we are going to the waterfall to roast another pig. So it's going to be a good week!

I miss you guys everyday, but I no longer feel any homesickness and I know I can make it the rest of my mission.  I'm at the groove point where everything is normal.  This week is our branch conference and I will be singing in the choir.  We will be singing my favorite Hymn!! #62. (All Creatures of Our God and King)

Well, Mom, I love you so much and I miss everyone and love them. I couldn't have made it this far without you. Sorry this email isn't as long but it has been kind of an uneventful week.

I love you all so much,
Elder Seanshine Keddington 

I adore this piece of my heart who seems to be getting used to Africa and his mission!  So very blessed!

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